What is LibQUAL?

LibQUAL is a web-based survey offered by the Association of Research Libraries that helps libraries assess and improve library services, change organizational culture, and market the library. The survey instrument measures library users' minimum, perceived, and desired levels of service quality across three dimensions: Affect of Service, Information Control, and Library as Place.
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How will LibQUAL benefit your library users?

Library administrators have successfully used LibQUAL survey data to identify best practices, analyze deficits, and effectively allocate resources. LibQUAL gives your library users a chance to tell you where your services need improvement so you can respond to and better manage their expectations. Institutional data and reports enable you to assess whether your library services are meeting user expectations—and develop services that better meet those expectations.

Top 10 Resources

Learn all about LibQUAL with the Top Ten LibQUAL Resources.

Top 10 Resources

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