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Item Sampling in Service Quality Assessment Surveys to Improve Response Rates and Reduce Respondent Burden the “LibQUAL+® Lite” Example
Bruce Thompson, Martha Kyrillidou, and Colleen Cook, Performance Measurement and Metrics 10, no. 1 (2009): 6-16.
Publication Type: Articles
Equating scores on “Lite” and long library user survey forms: The LibQUAL+® Lite randomized control trials
Bruce Thompson, Martha Kyrillidou, and Colleen Cook, Performance Measurement & Metrics 10, no. 3 (2009): 212-219.
Publication Type: Articles
Item Sampling in Service Quality Assessment Surveys to Improve Response Rates and Reduce Respondent Burden The LibQUAL® Lite Randomized Control Trial (RCT)
Martha Kyrillidou, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign (2009).
Publication Type: Articles
LibQUAL+® and beyond: library assessment with a focus on library improvement
Martha Kyrillidou, (Guest Ed.), Performance Measurement and Metrics 9, no. 3 (2008): 155-230.
Publication Type: Articles
When the evidence is not enough: organizational factors that influence effective and successful library assessment
Steve Hiller, Martha Kyrillidou, and Jim Self, Performance Measurement and Metrics 9, no. 3 (2008): 223-230.
Publication Type: Articles
How You Can Evaluate the Integrity of Your Library Assessment Data: Intercontinental LibQUAL+® Analysis Used as Concrete Heuristic Examples
Bruce Thompson, Martha Kyrillidou, and Colleen Cook, Performance Measurement and Metrics 9, no. 3 (2008): 202-215.
Publication Type: Articles
LibQUAL+® (library quality), ProSeBiCA (development of new library services by means of conjoint analysis), and CAPM (comprehensive access to printed materials)
Sayeed Choudhury, Martha Kyrillidou, Fred Heath, Colleen Cook, Bettina Koeper, and Reinhold Decker, Performance Measurement and Metrics 9, no. 3 (2008): 216-222.
Publication Type: Articles
Measuring the Quality of Library Service through LibQUAL+®
Martha Kyrillidou, Colleen Cook, and S. Shyam Sunder Rao, in Academic Library Research: Perspectives and Current Trends, eds. Marie L. Radford and Pamela Snelson (Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2008): 253-301.
Publication Type: Articles
The evolution of measurement and evaluation of libraries: a perspective from the Association of Research Libraries
Martha Kyrillidou and Colleen Cook, Library Trends 56, no. 4 (2008): 888-909.
Publication Type: Articles
Bound for Disappointment: Faculty and Journals at Research Institutions
Jim Self, in ARL: A Bimonthly Report on Research Library Issues and Actions from ARL, CNI and SPARC 257, ed. Martha Kyrillidou (April 2008): 7-11
Publication Type: Articles