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Managing the Electronic Collection with Cost per Use Data
Brinley Franklin, Paper, The World Library and Information Congress: 70th IFLA General Conference and Council, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 22-27, 2004.
Publication Type: Conference Papers
Evaluating the NSF National Science Digital Library Collections: Categories and Themes from MERLOT and DLESE
Yvonna Lincoln, Colleen Cook, and Martha Kyrillidou, Paper, The Multiple Educational Resources for Learning and Online Technologies (MERLOT) Conference, Costa Mesa, California, August 3-6, 2004.
Publication Type: Conference Papers
Introducing “New Measures”
Martha Kyrillidou, Paper, The ALCTS CMDS session at ALA, Orlando, FL, June 27, 2004.
Publication Type: Conference Papers
LibQUAL+™ and the Professional Military Library
J. Gail Nicula and Shirley Brooks Laseter, Paper, The Special Library Association annual conference: Putting Knowledge to Work®, Nashville, TN, June 5-10, 2004.
Publication Type: Conference Papers
Library Metrics in a Changing Environment
Martha Kyrillidou, Bruce Thompson, and Julia Blixrud, Paper, National Seminar of Libraries in Malaysia, Langkawi, Malaysia, May 25, 2004.
Publication Type: Conference Papers
How to Know If It’s Real: Assessing Diversity and Organizational Climate
Jane Williams, Paper, National Diversity in Libraries Conference: Diversity in Libraries: Making It Real, Atlanta, GA, 2004.
Publication Type: Conference Papers
Developing a National Science Digital Library (NSDL) LibQUAL+™ Protocol: An E-service for Assessing the Library of the 21st Century
Colleen Cook, Fred Heath, Martha Kyrillidou, Yvonna Lincoln, Bruce Thompson, and Duane Webster, submitted for the NSDL Evaluation Workshop (Oct 2003).
Publication Type: Conference Papers
Cross-cultural implementation of LibQUAL+™: the French language experience
Martha Kyrillidou, Toni Olshen, Fred Heath, Claude Bonnelly, and Jean-Pierre Cote, in Library measures to fill the void. Proceedings of the 5th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, Durham, UK, July 29, 2003: 193-199.
Publication Type: Conference Papers
Filling the void or bridging the deep?: LibQUAL+™ in the UK
Stephen Town, in Proceedings of the 5th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, Durham, UK, July 29, 2003: 212-219.
Publication Type: Conference Papers
LibQUAL+™ from the UK Perspective
Colleen Cook, Fred Heath, and Bruce Thompson, in Library measures to fill the void. Proceedings of the 5th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, Durham, UK, July 28, 2003: 156-159.
Publication Type: Conference Papers